The kit itself is large, they have printed the width and height of the kit behind the box! And you will really be shock! It is 400mm height with the width up to 260mm! Definitely a kit that used the most space!
Now let us look at the box! The size of the box is even bigger than a PS3 box, although they may not be longer then a MG Sazabi or Ex-S box but the thickness is total of 2 MG box stacking together!
This box really has some good art on it! It is the best i have so far! I think i wouldnt throw it away like my others.
wow if they did not separate this into 2 boxes i would make it a poster
The amount of runners.......although they may not be as much as those PG but those runner are giant size one! Really giant size for the horse Aubenseiter!
Guess what else is in it beside the standard runner and parts. A big cape for Dygenguar and the white hair part for the horse mode Aubenseiter. They used the same material for those PVC figures to make them and it feel really heavy!
There is also the giant stand for the horse to do the 2 leg standing pose! Without this stand it is impossible to do the same pose as the box art one (due to the freaking weight it has).
Like the Gurren Lagann kit you get separate color on a single part! They even directly printed the logo of the Aubenseiter on its armor!!! Now i am thinking how to AB this part......
The manual does not have the cool art like the gurren one but they did include the same type of ordering form with it! Look at the list of parts, it is so long.....
Although the box is really nice but i face a problem with it! That is i cant placed it under my bed! OMG now need to figure where to keep it before i build it!
Now that all for now! Time to show my total collection of my SRW kits! 5 kits already build four 1/144 and two 1/100 (not including the Dygenguar set) not build yet!!!
Wonder what should i do with this small box of Dygenguar now......sell it or just build 2 of them?