Sunday, September 23, 2007

Black Getter and VF-1J

Finally got time to go down to Berjaya Times Square XL shop to collect my Revoltech! Black Getter and VF-1J! (OMG too many Revol)

Black Getter! So far I think tat this is the coolest Revoltech in the market! The color and the traditional design makes this a must get for the Revol!

VF-1J.....This is a very disappointed figure! It lacks of the panel lining and it seem to have some color lacking! Ahhh why i bought this figure! Nvrmind I will faced the problem myself! I will give you update on how I am going to recolor it!

Yotsuba is not here yet! The release date is on 27/9 so still a few more days to go! So now may as well enjoy this 2 figures!

The battle of the giants!!! Who will win!!! Wait they is another giant coming Shin Getter 1!!! I will get u!!! Gotta Catch em All (pokemon music)!

Look at those panel line! White! WTH?! Must do some editing!

More updates later on repainting VF-1J


Anonymous said...

The Black Getter looks pretty cool! I was actually thinking about getting the VF1J because of it's poseability. But you're right, it does kind of look like it's lacking in the details. Looking forward to see your changes on it.

no3ljm said...

i like what you did with your Revoltech VF-1J. btw, i would like to ask if you never encounter a problem when you used your Gundam Markers on your Revoltech? does it stick well? AFAIK, Revoltech figures have a gloss surface so i'm just wondering if the markers run smoothly. and lastly, did you use a topcoat after you painted your Revoltech?

again, great job. hope i can do that too on my upcoming VF-1J. ;) kudos!

Lok said...

Hi no3ljm
the marker work fine with the revoltech, but when u want to clean up or erase those line outside the panel dun use thinner, just the normal rubber eraser will do.

If u apply thinner it will messed up the paint job of the revoltech!

I applied topcoat too! The Flat topcoat works fine with it. Looking forward to ur modded Revoltech VF-1J.

no3ljm said...

hi. thanks for replying back. i really appreciate it. your answers helps me a lot in deciding how to paint my Revoltech VF-1J. thanks for that. ^^,

my last question would be, after you put the topcoats, have you encountered some topcoat flake/chipping after you move, pose and play with your VF-1J? again, thanks in advance.

i'll also post my VF-1J in my blog ( as long as i'm done with my snapbuilded MG Zeta Gundam Unit 3. thanks once again. kudos! ^^,

Lok said...

no problem at all!
But u should be more careful with the paint part! Although it may not chip off easily but do be careful it is still possible if scratch by sharp object! (even car paint will get chipped off)