Friday, October 26, 2007

Gundam Head Mod

Head mod is a very usual thing modelers do to their Gundam Kit if they want to AB it or cover the joining part up more perfectly!

Remember my post on the Hi Nu Gundam! I modded the head so that the face part can slide into the helmet without having to open up the 2 parts of the helmet! What is the advantage of going through all this trouble!

1. Easier to AB no need to mask the face part!
2. U wont see the helmet joining part so clearly

First picture u will see the back part of the helmet, the highlight in red part is to be cut off or remove!

Doing so allow u to slide the transparent part into the helmet which allows you the flexibility of pulling it in and out! If not the upper highlighted part will have your transparent part fixed and irremovable when cover with the front helmet part. The lower highlighted part is for you to slide in the polycap (same concept as the previous).

Second picture is on the front part of the helmet, slice the highlighted part to make the particular area thinner

By doing so allow you to slide the face inside easier, and you wont notice the difference looking from outside

After having the 2 helmet part mod, now is time to shorten the male joint! This step allow you to have better combination of the 2 parts , you wont get to see the gap between the 2 parts!

The highlighted part is the part where I am going to cut off!

Here is how it looks after cutting off all 4 male joint!

Basically I am not going to used the male joint to connect the 2 helmet parts together tightly, but to help prevent me from gluing the parts correctly. If u completely cut off 4 of the joint it will be difficult for u to glue it helmet correctly.

OK now that all ready, dun directly go and glue the 2 parts, you still need to test whether the transparent part along with the face part ability to slide into the helmet or not! Adjust the parts until your are able to slice the face part in to the helmet! Af

This is the pic before mod, the gap is easily notice even from a distance away

After mod, after applying the plastic cement and the sanding the part, although you see some blurry line between the 2 parts but the gap is basically disappear. (cause of the blur dark line is because my hand is dirty and wet when I modding the 2 parts)

Now after AB the helmet u get it like this! And remember I did not used any putty during this process.

It isn't a hard job and it does help a lot when you need AB. If you are not deciding to AB your kit, this mod can still be put in used for u to make the Gundam head part to cover up the gap in between without using putty (Putty with different color will ruin the original color of the part).

For those newbie in Gunpla, dun worry about the head part being very fragile or face part will drop out easily, if you didnt over slice the highlighted part that i mention back above, this situation will not happen! It is tighter than you think!

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