Monday, January 07, 2008

Modding the Alteisen

Do you mod your kit? Modding a kit sometimes is not only about changing the appearance of the kit but can also help improve the articulation or make the paint job easier when AB!

I do mod my kit, so far haven't did any appearance mod but did have some minor mod such as adding new panel line and some modding that increase the articulation of the joint....sometimes i mod the joint to make AB the kit easier!

Here an example on how I mod the joint of the Alteisen 1/100! Below it how the original joint looks like!

As you can see it requires us to fix the black part into the white armor part which will cause you trouble when painting the kit. Just think about the trouble you need to go through for masking that part!

So I decide to saw the part that hold the black part with the armor part! In the same time I dun want the hand part to drop off easily so leave some bits of the parts there.

This is the equipment i used to saw the part!

Then I fill the armor parts hole with some epoxy putty (this putty are as hard as a rock when they hardened), after that I glue the 2 armor part together with some plastic cement.

You are required to leave glue part to hardened up before you proceed on the fitting the parts together and also for the putty to hardened up (which take 6 hours ++), so just be patient and start building on other parts.

So this is the final result!

I can know slide joint part into the armor without separating the armor part! And in the same time the joint and the armor can still hold together:


Anonymous said...

the saw,how much does it cost,n where u get it?

Lok said...

bought it M40+-