Monday, August 25, 2008

Figma Konata and Figmas Problems

OKOK finally i have time to start my Figma Konata. Got it almost half a month ago and play with it recently. Today beside being as usual messing with my Figma, I also want to point out a few weak points that i encounter on all the figma i got.

This Figma has the cutest look among all that i have got. It definitely can have a head on with the Revoltech Yotsuba Summer Vacation version.

Figma follow the original setting of the height and style of the character when they develop their figure. So when you compare Konata with the Haruhi's Gang, you get the feeling her head is bigger and body is shorter.

Different character design with different heights and size of head.

The accessories include an extra face expression, 6 pairs of hand, and the other usual stuff

Now remember last time when i first got my Mikuru, I did comment about the hole in her back hard to be used becoz of her long hair. Guess wat Konata has longer one.

This hole is impossible to be used.

Luckily they did include another hole at the back of her hair. It has another hair piece plug in to cover the hole when not in used.

Here comes the anoying part, the freaking hole cant fit in those Figma Stand....... WTH!!! They didnt even tried it out before they release it!!!! This is like the third or fouth figma i got having the same old problem but this is the worse, the darn hole cannot even squeeze abit in and a little movement on dear Konata you have the whole thing fall out.

Damn this is annoying.

So I had to used those gunpla equipment of mine, the Tamiya File and the Hobby knife to reduce the size of the male pin of the stand.

File, slice and sand the darn thing and test fit it with my Konata. Finally it can fit in perfectly although i did not reduce the length of that male pin but at least it can now fit in perfectly and wont drop out easily.

Than another anoying stuff about those Figma Figure where lots and lots of ppl complain about. The falling front hair-piece....... this is like the 3 or 4 figure having this problem.... wat on earth cant they improve after so many release. Even Revoltech Yotsuba has great improvement in the Summer Vacation version.

See the darn thing cant even fit in.

This time the problem is with the hair-piece, the fitting hole isnt perfectly matching with the back hair piece..... did some adjustment the front hair piece with my Hobby Knife again, manage to make it fit tighter than before but as for the gap..... no luck the thing is just not molded right enough to fit perfectly!

I took a close look at her head..... hmmm tat small piece of hair seems to be able to remove from it..... but u think they did apply some sort of glue on to it, you may need some force to remove it.

I love this expression of her the most!

Within the box there is a free background

Now after this piece of Figma, i notice i am starting to have some problem with the storage of their acessories. Although Figma was generous enough to provide us with those Figma Bad but my Figma bag are getting more and more. Currently Figma Nanoho and Fate is in my car waiting for me to unpack

hmm wat do you guys do with yours?


Persocom said...

I keep my extras in the boxes for now. I'm trying to figure out what I should do with them too, as I keep collecting more figmas, it won't be long before it'll be just plain annoying finding pieces. My Konata didn't have a stand problem, but the hair piece problem was the same, still haven't fixed it. Oh yeah, I'm going to add you to my blogroll.

Anonymous said...

You could probably keep them all in one spare box. At least you can keep the assesories separate. Right now I have all my spare Gundam parts in one pace and wh knows what went where! :P

blood on the mirror said...

Ooh I hope I don't have that problem.

Well, so far my only issue with a figma is changing the shoes.

My Haruhi figma's shoes are too tight I can't remove them.

At least one of them.

And I keep all of the parts in their respective boxes for safe-keeping.

Anonymous said...

I was wondering if other people had the same thing. i don't like how the extra hair piece falls so easily after squeezing the stand in the hair's hole a lot.

Anonymous said...

I lost the stand for my figma, and I have the same thing! and her arm broke off too, and I also don't have the scenery, just the figure hands, face, and her arm >_<

FanofTA said...

I've been noticing that in the earlier figmas like Nanoha and Konata, is that their stands generally tend to not fit and their hair tends to be loose. I have both sabers, and the original saber, one of her hair pieces wouldn't I had to trim down the peg that connected it. My lelouch's stand didn't fit, so I traded his stand with suzaku's...because it actually fit O.o And I had no problems with my Kagamine the later figmas improve on these things...slowly but surely. Limited edition figmas have always had better quality paint jobs and details (such as fitting stands and such). As for where I keep stuff...I just got a tupperware box to keep all the individual boxes in. Love your reviews btw.

dashaman said...

is it because there are fake figmas in circulation? i read several blogs about it.