Tuesday, August 26, 2008

HGUC Zudah non-AB version – WIP part 4

Ahhh been some time since i post any WIP of my Zudah. Ok this is part 4 and it is near the end of snap fitting. Todays main attraction will be on the Zudah's skirt armor:

As you all can see from the pic below this particular skirt part is connected by a plastic rod, this make the action of the mecha less natural.

This is the reason why i said it makes it less natural, when one side raise the other will follow.

So we cut the darn thing into 2 separate parts like the picture below. Since this are older batch of HGUC kits so they used the plastic rod to connect the 2 side instead of the newer version where there use 2 ball shape typed rod to connect the thing, as a result you need to judge where to cut the rod yourself, just make sure you cut it somewhere near the mid.

Now everything looks better.

After that part we will be moving on to the leg joint part.

From the pictures above, the right one is the original one, while the one of the left is the modded one. There are a few choices to work on this part, you either glue the darn thing with plastic cement or just do it like me (change the seam lines into a much nice looking panel line). As for the nips marks (whithen mark on the surface), we can fix it later with some gundam weathering marker.

Another thing you need to do is sand off those lines (mold form lines) from the leg joint.

Ok that makes the Zudah kit more close to completion. The next WIP will finish the snap fit part of the Zudah and after that will cover on the touch up of the model kit.


red9 said...

so where is your part 5?? i can see the photos in your archive but no post. could you reply really soon? i'm entering my zudah into a competition and i'd like to have some tips. i'm currently at the decal stage(custom waterslide) and i haven't put my last coat or weathered yet

red9 said...

where's part 5? i see the photos in the archive. could you reply really soon? im submitting my zudah into a competition and i'd really like some tips.I've painted primed,panel lined and clearcoated my model and now im at the decaling stage, i haven't put the final coat or weathered yet

Lok said...

I lost some picture of my last part of the Zudah. But if you insist on seeing i would just post what i have...